Monday, February 21, 2011

Just a Quick Note

Even though I began this whole blogging adventure with the warning that I would not be diligent in writing entries, many have asked me to post pictures and new stories about what I've been up to. My wonderful mom and grandpa sent me a package with my camera cord (and a million other things I forgot) just the other day, so pictures will come - probably not soon, but eventually. Until then, though, I am going to refer you all to my lovely friend Lauren's blog. She is much better about writing regularly and taking pictures. I live and spend time in all the same cities as her, so much of her blog is really relevant to my time here as well. Obviously, we don't do the same things all the time and have visited a few different places. However, until I decide to be responsible and write a major blog entry again, enjoy hers!

(Thanks, Lauren. You're simply wonderful!)

P.S. If you so choose to look at her blog, a quick note on "bolas de coco" - it's true, they're wonderful and I don't even like coconut. I have a feeling it's all the sweetened condensed milk and drizzled chocolate that I really like.


  1. I didn't know you got a package. That is exciting! :) Hope the beach was fun. You should put up pictures of that.

  2. I haven't received the package yet, so I can't post pictures, but I definitely will when I get my cord!
